Reflections on wk 3 & 4 presentations (Ms Saimah, Ms Sarasvati, and Mr Muadz)

Assalamualaikum and hi all!!!

Today, I want to give some reflections regarding presentation week 3, i.e Ms Saimah regarding Microsoft Publisher, and Ms Sarasvati regarding Mendeley.

Presentation 1: Ms Saimah (Publisher)

She had given us a good presentation! Because she give the way to use publisher from the basics, how to open this template, and use it to create our own masterpiece (?) . And she given us the hardcopy of what she has done to show how easy Publisher is. Thank you Ms Saimah!

Presentation 2: Ms Saras (Mendeley)

The presentation manager that I want to use have many interesting features in it. IT can automatically show the reference detail, just by importing files into Mendeley. And, we managed to learn that we can automatically download the reference, attached with its bibliographic details! Thank you Ms Saras!

Presentation 1 wk 4: Mr Muadz (Plickers)

I dont know that we have a good program to test the students' performance. This program is such a good way to gauge student's performance, although it can only answer objective questions only. The answer is also anonymous, so the students will never be shy to reveal  the answers. Well done Muadz!


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